THE IMPORTANCE OF USING punctuation marks
Indonesian has an essential role for the Indonesian nation. The Indonesian language functions as a national identity, as a means of inter-regional and intercultural communication, as well as a means of unifying the various ethnic groups in Indonesia. The use of good and correct Indonesian is very important in order to avoid mistakes that can lead to contradictory understandings. The aspect that must be considered in using the language is understanding Indonesian spelling. In Indonesian spelling, there is one important part, namely punctuation. Punctuation marks are signs or pictures that describe suprasegmental elements in speech to make it easier for readers to follow in the footsteps of other languages. One form of punctuation is a comma. Commas have the basic function of separating one part from another so that there are no misunderstandings in meaning when reading a sentence or statement or writing numbers. The simple form of a comma is apparently not accompanied by a simple procedure for writing and using it either. There needs to be an in-depth understanding of how to use comma punctuation to minimize errors in language. We must use commas in accordance with the existing General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI). So, the reader or interlocutor can understand and understand the meaning to be conveyed. Therefore, language can play a good role according to its function. Keywords: punctuation, Indonesian spelling, Indonesian
Language is one of the natural abilities bestowed upon mankind. It's so natural that we don't realize that without language, humanity would not have a civilization which includes religion, science, and technology. Thus it is not an exaggeration if we say that the study of language is necessary because almost every human activity requires language. In this case, linguistic insights can also be used to understand culture. Therefore, as citizens, of course we must uphold the language of unity, namely Indonesian.
Indonesian serves as a national identity, a means of inter-regional and intercultural communication, as well as a means of unifying various ethnic groups in Indonesia. The pioneers of independence understood very well the need for a media or tool to unite the nation, namely the Indonesian language. This is in accordance with what was pledged by the youth in the youth oath declaration in 1928. In addition, the Indonesian language plays an important role as the official state language, national-level communication, introduction to education, a means of developing and using science, developing national culture, the language of the mass media, art and technology.
The use of good and correct Indonesian is very important. Because if there is an error in using the language, it will give a wrong understanding and the intent to be conveyed by the reader cannot be received properly by or the other person. The biggest impact is that language cannot play a good role according to its function.
Language errors are basically caused by the person who uses the language in question, not the language he uses. There are three possible causes for a person to make a mistake in speaking, including: (a) being influenced by the language he mastered earlier, (b) the language user's lack of understanding of the language he uses, (c) language teaching that is less precise or perfect. (Setyawati, 2010: 15-16).
The language error that often occurs is the use of incorrect spelling. This spelling inaccuracy can be in the form of errors in writing capital letters, errors in writing prepositions, and errors in writing punctuation marks [2]. This article discusses comma punctuation which is an important part of Indonesian spelling.
According to Lukman Ali (1991:1), "Spelling is the rules for how to describe the sounds of language (words, sentences) in written form (letters and punctuation marks). Spelling has a system and is purely an agreement. Language spelling uses signs that we call scripts or letters. Besides that, there are others, which we call punctuation marks. Based on this opinion, one form of spelling is punctuation.
Punctuation marks are an important part of a sentence. According to Gorys Keraf (2004: 13), "punctuation marks are signs or pictures that describe suprasemental elements in speech to make it easier for readers to follow in the footsteps of other languages". Some aspects of punctuation are stylistically specific and therefore depend on the author's choice. Punctuation is something that is very familiar to our ears. There are actually a lot of punctuation marks, but what we often encounter are periods (.), commas (,), colons (:), semicolons (;), quotes (“…”), and single quotes ('…') .
In a sentence, comma punctuation gives sentence pressure and the right part of the sentence. In order to make it easier for the reader or listener to understand the meaning to be conveyed. If there are mistakes, it can result in understanding. Readers or interlocutors cannot understand what we are going to convey. It is even more fatal if the reader misinterprets the meaning of a sentence to become another contradictory definition.
To improve usability and minimize the occurrence of errors in the use of punctuation marks, this discussion will explain one of the uses of punctuation, namely comma punctuation. As for the reason the author wants to explain this, because there are still many errors in the application of commas when placed after words and phrases that are not in accordance with the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI).
A comma is one of the common punctuation marks in Indonesian writing. The comma has a basic function, which is to unite one part with another so that there are no misunderstandings in meaning when reading a sentence or statement or writing numbers. The simple form of a comma is apparently not accompanied by a simple procedure for writing or using it either. According to the General Guidelines for Spelling in the Indonesian Language (PUEBI) which are listed, there are 13 uses of comma punctuation, namely: 1) Used to include elements in a detail or number. 2) Used to reconcile one sentence with another sentence, if the position of the sentence is different (main sentence and child sentence) then the sentence which is positioned as a child sentence is before or in front of the main sentence. 3) Used to bring together one equivalent sentence with the next equivalent sentence, which is preceded by certain words (but, whereas, unless,). 4) Used behind a word or expression which is a liaison between sentences (therefore, so, thus, in connection with that, even so), then the liaison is at the beginning of the sentence. 5) Used to separate several words (o, yes, wow, ouch, pity) from other words that are in one sentence. 6) It is used to complete sentences with direct excerpts from other pieces of sentences. 7) Used to separate name and address, parts of the address, which are written sequentially. 8) Used to distinguish between names and degrees, in writing academic degrees. 9) Used in writing footnotes. 10) Used behind a statement at the beginning of a sentence that aims to avoid mistakes when reading and understanding the meaning of the sentence. 11) Used in front of the tenth digit or between the rupiah and the smallest unit of cents expressed by numbers. 12) Used to remove places and dates, names of places and regions or countries written sequentially. 13) Used to get rid of writing the author's name or authors whose name arrangement is reversed in writing a bibliography.
The error in using commas that we most often encounter is commas used at the end of words and phrases or connecting expressions that are at the beginning of sentences. There are several connecting words and phrases in Indonesian that are followed by a comma when used at the beginning of a sentence. The following is an example of writing words and phrases followed by a comma in accordance with the Indonesian General Spelling Guidelines (PUEBI), including: 1). In conclusion,.... 2). Better,.... 3). Previously, .... 4). Actually,.... 5). Meanwhile,.... 6). In addition, .... 7). Next, ... 8). For that, .... 9). General, .... 10). However, ... and so on.
Examples of sentences that use words and phrases followed by a comma at the beginning of the sentence are: a) Even so, making a few numbers handled in practice, makes getting better results. b) For this reason, researchers wanted to find out the use of spelling errors in the 2014 economics faculty students' thesis. c) Previously, they both studied the analysis of language errors. d) However, the error does not interfere with the communication of the sentence. e) In addition, it is important for the writer to study spelling mistakes, namely because they are wrong in placing position.
Punctuation is an important part of Indonesian spelling. One of the elements of punctuation marks is a comma. Commas have a basic function, namely to separate one part from another so that there are no misunderstandings in meaning when reading a sentence or statement or writing numbers. The simple form of a comma is apparently not accompanied by a simple procedure for writing or using it either. The use and writing of punctuation marks, especially commas, seems trivial, but if they are not correct, the meaning of a sentence can change. Because of this, it is important to know the various ways of using and writing punctuation marks in Indonesian, especially comma punctuation. We must use commas according to the enhanced Indonesian Spelling General Guidelines (PUEBI). If there are mistakes, it can result in misunderstandings. Readers or interlocutors may not understand what we are going to convey. It is even more fatal if the reader misinterprets the meaning of a sentence to become another contradictory definition. Therefore, it is very important for us to learn Indonesian spelling, especially punctuation.
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[1]Mukhlis PaEni, Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia, (Jakarta:
Rajawali Pers, 2009), hlm. 1.
[2] Irma Fika Nurfajar, “Teks Cerita Inspiratif Sebagai Salah Satu
Bahan Ajar Alternatif Pembelajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Dalam Program
Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia (Pbsi)”, PROSIDING SEMNAS KBSP
V, vol. -, hal. 252. Diakses dari pada 14 Desember 2019.
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